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Residenza Le Cupole

Residenza Le Cupole (3 stars) is an accommodation with many amenities located in a central situation, perfect for easily getting to the main tourist attractions that Parma can offer to its visitors. In this accommodation you can find affordable prices, from R1 652. Offers to its customers free wifi internet connection in all its facilities. Residenza Le Cupole offers to its customers a variety of services as parking and climate control. Residenza Le Cupole offers a shuttle service from/to the airport. Customers travelling with pets are also allowed to stay. About the remarcable places, is located beside Casa del Suono and Castello dei Burattini - Museo Giordano Ferrari, in the whereabouts of Museo Glauco Lombardi and Palazzo della Pilotta and close to Cariparma Foundation Museum.


Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole Photo - Residenza Le Cupole

Price by night

You can book your room in Residenza Le Cupole from R1 652.


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Location / Directions

Address: Viale Mentana 120 (Check-in at Via Trento 9). 43122 Parma. Italy.